Job title International Harness Development Consultant Department International Affiliation The Donkey Sanctuary Journal articles May the force be with you: an investigation into logging methods using donkeys, Austral Journal of Veterinary Sciences (January 2023). Collar pressure mapping: An evaluation of seven collar types used on working donkeys in Europe, Veterinary Record (August 2021). Electronic instrumentation of a swingletree for equid pull load monitoring: a contribution for the welfare and performance of working donkeys, Animal Technology and Welfare (August 2021). Equid Assessment, Research and Scoping (EARS): the development and implementation of a new equid welfare assessment and monitoring tool, Animals (February 2020). Papers Community-based harness development initiative for pack donkeys: a progress report, Ethiopia (November 2010). Presented at 6th International Colloquium on Working Equids. Projects Harness pressure mapping and the development of technology for animal traction: a contribution for the welfare and performance of working donkeys (Ongoing 29 September 2019)