Job title Senior Statistician Department Research and Operational Support Affiliation The Donkey Sanctuary Journal articles Bonded labour and donkey ownership in the brick kilns of India: A need for reform of policy and practice, Animal Welfare (January 2023). May the force be with you: an investigation into logging methods using donkeys, Austral Journal of Veterinary Sciences (January 2023). “Not All Who Wander Are Lost”: The Life Transitions and Associated Welfare of Pack Mules Walking the Trails in the Mountainous Gorkha Region, Nepal, Animals (November 2022). One welfare: Linking poverty, equid ownership and equid welfare in the brick kilns of India, Animal Welfare (November 2022). Collar pressure mapping: An evaluation of seven collar types used on working donkeys in Europe, Veterinary Record (August 2021). Quantifying poor working equid welfare in Nepalese brick kilns using a welfare assessment tool, Veterinary Record (October 2020). A new framework for assessing equid welfare: a case study of working equids in Nepalese brick kilns, Animals (June 2020). The Welfare Aggregation and Guidance (WAG) tool: A new method to summarize global welfare assessment data for equids, Animals (March 2020). Equid Assessment, Research and Scoping (EARS): the development and implementation of a new equid welfare assessment and monitoring tool, Animals (February 2020).