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Make a donation - Terrible Things

Give relief to suffering donkeys

Right now, donkeys are enduring terrible suffering. But you can help.

Pledge a regular gift today, safe in the knowledge that your generosity is making a real difference.

Donate graph

For every £1 we spend

77p Helping donkeys worldwide
23p Raising funds including trading costs

Why donate monthly?


£10 a month can help deliver first aid kits and training to donkey owners.


£6 a month can can help to build new shelters for working donkeys.


£4 a month can help with bandages and dressings to ease painful wounds and sores.


How your donation will help

Your support today means a life of sanctuary and expert care for neglected and abandoned donkeys, as well as veterinary treatment and global education to improve donkey welfare.

Other ways to donate

Donate - other ways

In memory

Pay tribute to the life of someone special by remembering them in aid of donkeys in need.


Interested in making major gift? Get in touch with our team to learn more about the impact of your generosity.

Community fundraising

Running, baking, skydiving, knitting - there are so many ways to show your support and do it for donkeys around the world.

Leave a legacy

Desperate donkeys worldwide will need our help for years to come. Will you consider leaving a gift that keeps on giving?

Adopt a donkey

Start your very own special friendship by adopting a donkey and receive a gorgeous adoption pack.

Donate by cheque, post or phone

To make a donation by cheque, please make your cheque payable to "The Donkey Sanctuary" and send to:

PO Box 85, Sidmouth, EX10 1BR.

Please send donations to the address above.

Alternatively, call +44 (0) 1395 579128 to make a donation by phone.