A YouGov survey saw 55% of the general public associate donkeys with the “stubborn” label. Learn more about why this reputation is unjustified.
Why does this misunderstanding exist?
This misunderstanding stems from three donkey characteristics:
- A stoic nature with very subtle body language, especially when showing pain or fear
- A natural propensity to freeze when threatened or frightened
- A strong sense of self-preservation.
When these characteristics are combined, it can be easy to misinterpret a donkey’s refusal to complete an activity as stubbornness.
If my donkey is not being stubborn what might it be telling me?
The following may be motivating your donkey’s behaviour:
- Pain
- Fear
- Not understanding the required behaviour
- The behaviour or attitude of the handler.
Refrain from labelling your donkey as “stubborn” and analyse for underlying causes that may be hiding under their body language.