The Donkey Sanctuary has a dedicated team of staff throughout the UK, Ireland and Europe who investigate reports of cruelty to or neglect of donkeys.
As a direct consequence of members of the public getting in touch, many donkeys and mules are rescued and saved from further suffering.
If in doubt, always contact our welfare team and set your mind at rest. You can also use our Donkey Care Guide to check the requirements for keeping a donkey fit and healthy.
Take a note of what you've seen, using the checklist below. You will be asked to give a detailed description of what you have seen or heard, so be ready to give the following information:
- Your own name, address and telephone number for our records. We treat all information in strictest confidence, but we may need to contact you regarding your report or to let you know the result of any investigation.
- The date, time and place of the where the animals are. The more exact the details of the location the easier it will be for our staff and the quicker we can attend.
- Detailed description of your concern. For example, how many animals are there? How old do you think they are? What are the main problems you have observed?
- The names and addresses of any other people who might be able to provide useful information on the animals you have seen.
- Any other specific information that you think might be helpful to us. For example, the registration number and description of any vehicle involved or whether there are any specific times when you have seen people with the animals.
Any photographs showing the animals and their surroundings are always useful if these can be taken safely with absolutely no risk to you, other people or the animals involved.
Get in touch
If you are concerned about the welfare of any donkey, please contact us immediately.
Our staff will contact you as soon as we are able to discuss your concerns and let you know what we propose to do.