If you are concerned about the welfare of a donkey or mule through cruelty or neglect in the UK, please complete our online checklist.

Alternatively, please call our welfare advice line on 01395 578222 Monday-Friday 8.30am-4.30pm to speak to our experienced welfare team.

In order for us to investigate any welfare concerns it is important that we have as many details as possible. All information provided will be treated in the strictest confidence.

Your details


Donkey owner details


Please provide the location of the donkey or mule.
Use the what3words app to find the precise location.

Donkey/mule details

How many donkeys or mules are there?
Which of the following images would best indicate what the feet look like?
Are there any signs of lameness?
Are there any signs of parasites?
For example: lice, etc.
Are there any signs of illness?
For example: discharge from the nose, lethargy, etc.
Questions Yes No Don't know N/A
For example: logs to chew, balls to play with, etc.

Other details

Have you reported your concern to any other organisation?
If you don't know the exact date, please provide an approximate date.

Stay informed

We would also like to keep you updated about our news, charitable activities and appeals. If you are happy for us to do this, please let us know below.
If you do not complete this section, we will continue to communicate with you in line with your previous contact choices.

Your privacy

The Donkey Sanctuary and its charitable and trading subsidiaries will never sell your data. We promise to keep your data safe and secure - see our privacy notice for details about how we will look after your data. If you would like to change how we communicate with you, please call us on 01395 578222.
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