A fantastic bank of resources for donkey professionals in the UK and abroad.
International resources
We train cart and harness makers around the world in the best techniques to prevent working donkeys and mules from suffering. Our work is supported by a range of written guides and videos available to watch or download.
AWIN Welfare Assessment Protocol for Donkeys
AWIN produces welfare assessment protocols that provide a toolbox of sound, feasible and practical animal-based indicators to assess animal welfare and promote animal production systems throughout Europe.
Biosecurity guidance for infectious diseases
Printable poster-guidance for dealing with infectious diseases in donkeys and other equines. Produced through the International Coalition of Working Equines, this guidance has been used throughout the world during equine disease outbreaks.
African Horse Sickness
There is currently and outbreak of this devastating disease in Thailand.
African Horse Sickness affects donkeys, horses and mules. It causes death in over 90% of horses that become sick and is carried and spread by biting insects. We are concerned for the donkeys and mules in this area and for the people whose livelihoods depend on them.
The Donkey Sanctuary are working alongside other equine charities as part of the International Coalition of Working Equids (ICWE), to offer support for the working equids and their owners in Asia.
ICWE have produced a series of posters for owners, to show how to identify signs of disease in their animals, and to learn how best to protect them against the disease. The posters will be translated into different languages and will provide vital information about the disease to owners of working equines in the region.