Do you have a social media account? If so, please let us know
We ask you to pledge to raise at least £2,000 sponsorship (excluding the £100 registration fee).
Please give as much information as you can.
Do you work for a company which operates a match giving scheme?
Would your entry to the London Marathon for The Donkey Sanctuary be eligible?
Please tick your preferred unisex running vest size
Would you be happy to share your story with other runners and the media?
Inspiring stories not only raise awareness of your amazing efforts for The Donkey Sanctuary, they also encourage more sponsorship to meet your pledge.

Terms and conditions

Before submitting your application, please read the Terms and Conditions below. By signing, you are agreeing to these terms and conditions.

Charity Place Runners

  • If you are offered a place, you pledge to raise as much as you can for The Donkey Sanctuary and agree to pay 100% of your sponsorship money to The Donkey Sanctuary by 21 June 2024.
  • You understand that you must not use your Donkey Sanctuary place to fundraise for any charity other than The Donkey Sanctuary.
  • You agree to pay a non-refundable registration fee of £100.

Own Place Runners

  • You pledge to raise as much sponsorship money as you can for The Donkey Sanctuary and agree that your sponsorship money will be paid to The Donkey Sanctuary by 21 June 2024.

General Terms and Conditions

  • You agree to inform The Donkey Sanctuary immediately if you are unable to take part in the event.
  • In the event of you not taking up your place, all sponsor forms, monies and running t-shirt or vest must be returned to The Donkey Sanctuary.
  • You give permission for free use of pictures, images, feedback and comments in any future advertising or promotion by The Donkey Sanctuary.
  • You must carry out your fundraising in accordance with the guidelines set out in The Donkey Sanctuary's Fundraising Ideas and Information brochure, Be Legal, Be Safe.
  • The Donkey Sanctuary cannot take responsibility for any injury, losses or damage caused or sustained as a result of you taking part in an event in aid of The Donkey Sanctuary. It is the responsibility of the event organiser to comply with legal and safety regulations. The event organiser is TCS London Marathon.
  • The Donkey Sanctuary may, at its sole discretion, withdraw a participant if it believes that it is in the best interests of the charity to do so.
  • Participants must read and agree to the Terms and Conditions set by the Race organisers, TCS London Marathon.
  • Where a participant has been unable to raise £1,500 by 21 March 2024, The Donkey Sanctuary reserves the right to defer that person’s entry to next year.

Stay informed

We would also like to keep you updated about our news, charitable activities and appeals. If you are happy for us to do this, please let us know below.
  • If you do not complete this section, we will continue to communicate with you in line with your previous contact choices.
  • If you adopt a donkey and tick the box not to receive correspondence by post, we will not be able to send you information in the post about your donkey.

Your privacy

The Donkey Sanctuary and its charitable and trading subsidiaries will never sell your data. We promise to keep your data safe and secure - see our privacy notice for details about how we will look after your data. If you would like to change how we communicate with you, please call us on 01395 578222.
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