Keen to find out exactly what goes into a Chelsea Flower Show garden? Read on to discover the seeds we've planted to spread the importance of donkeys around the world.

Designing and building a RHS Chelsea Flower Show garden is no mean feat - but our team have managed it twice. After its success at Chelsea, our team have painstakingly rebuilt and replanted the garden piece by piece at The Donkey Sanctuary, Sidmouth.

Watch the 'Donkeys Matter' garden spring to life as it is reconstructed at its new home alongside our Sidmouth donkeys.

Chelsea designers Annie Prebensen and Christina Williams with Ruby

Annie Prebensen and Christina Williams, Garden Designers

Our designers

Annie Prebensen and Christina Williams trained at the English Garden School in London and set up their design practice in 2008. In 2010 they won a Gold Medal and Best in Show at Chelsea for an Artisan Garden celebrating Devon’s Two Moors Festival.

This year, their RHS Chelsea Flower Show garden for The Donkey Sanctuary won a Silver Medal and the much coveted People's Choice award.

“We have a real fondness and appreciation for these gentle, hardworking animals, so were delighted to be asked by The Donkey Sanctuary to design an Artisan Garden to explain ‘why donkeys matter’.”

Contractor: Frogheath Landscapes

Plants grown by: How Green Nursery

Ceramic lizards: Annabel Hatton

Watch an exclusive interview with our designers and discover the story behind the 'Donkeys Matter' garden.